Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well we are back in the hospital. Kylee came down with pneumonia. She started with a cold on Monday. On Thursday she was having problems breathing and her hands and feet kept turning a blueish color. We went and saw her pediatrician and she said everything was fine (of course by the time we got her there her breathing was normal and she was a nice pink color). On Saturday she would cough until she would throw up and just slept all day. I hooked her up to our pulse ox machine and her oxygen level was low. We decided to take her. By the time we got to the hospital her oxygen level was 85% and they had to put her on oxygen. They started checking her for RSV and influenza but as soon as they did the chest x-ray they saw the pneumonia. It is only in her right lung so they think she has aspiration pneumonia (meaning she probably got some of the vomit in her lungs). The Dr said she will probably be in the hospital until Wednesday and then after that it will probably be up to us as to when we want to bring her home. He said more then likely we are going to have to bring her home on oxygen. Right now she is on 3 liters of oxygen. Anytime they try to bring her down her stats go low and then they have to put her back up. She also is very sleepy. She probably was only awake for about 30 minutes today. Her face is also very swollen and they said that is probably from the IV. All I can say is she is one tough girl. Today I just kept looking at her thinking how much more can your little body handle. She is such a fighter.

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