Sunday, December 6, 2009

Increased Seizures

Hospital/Increase Seizures

So...we are back at the hospital. Kylee was sent to the hospital on Thursday for increased seizure activity and she was having crying spells that seemed to last forever (45 minutes to an hour or more). We took her to our primary Dr on Thursday afternoon and they told us she had an ear infection. We then were sent home and had her cry and scream the whole way home. It scared us so much that we called down to Milwaukee and begged them to help us. They told us to take her to the ER. Once we got to the ER she was fine but they put us in patient to watch her. They then decided on Friday to send us to Milwaukee. We got to Milwaukee and they felt it was all related to the ear infection. I said I disagreed and wanted her hooked up to the EEG. So she got hooked up in the EMU (epilepsy monitoring unit-which was closed for the weekend until they had to open it for Kylee) where she is watched on a camera 24/7 and someone has to be with her 24/7. Which good thing Grandma Janice came with me so I get a break once in a while. They also started a new meal program at the hospital that is called 2/4/6 and for that amount of money you can get different meals brought right to your room. You just have to purchase pre-paid tickets to give to them. So needless to say we had a very nice supper tonight with that. So back to the monitoring. They watched her and said she is having about 10 increases on the EEG an hour but isn't showing physical signs of a seizure. They said that because of her underlying condition she will never have a normal EEG which I knew. The Dr took me back in the room where they watch her and let me watch her and watch the EEG so I learned alot about it (I love knowing what I am dealing with...I always want to be well informed). So they have switched around some of her meds and increased one. They will draw labs in the morning and watch her over night and if all is well then we will be on our way home tomorrow. As far as the crying we have found out we have a new girl that now has a voice and feelings. They think her brain has "grown" and she is now able to start to voice her feelings and let me tell you she sure does. She cries when the Dr's touch her, she cries when she is tired, she cries when she wants to be held. All which are "normal" things a child doest and I am so happy to hear it but it took me by surprised because she was so non-verbal up to that point that I thought she had to be in extreme pain which she probably was from the ear infection.


I probably should get back to the room but just wanted to post that Kylee starts school next Monday. She will be going Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. We are so excited to be having her going to school and everyone seems so wonderful. She has a very young teacher (Ms. Heather) who seems to be full of energy and a lot of fun. Kylee will also be having a one on one aide (Lisa) as well as a nurse from home with her while she is at school and mom will be standing outside the window taking pictures of her. I said I am the schools new paparazzi.


Anonymous said...

Karen I hope everything goes good and you guys can get out of there soon. Goodluck at school on Monday Kylee, what a BIG girl you are getting to be.
Ashley & beau

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
Sorry to hear you had to return to the hospital.You are a wonderful
mommy and your mom is wonderful
I hope you didn't get caught in the
Sheila W.