Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bloody Ear and Growth Spurt

Kylee woke up this morning with dried blood all over her ear. I cleaned it up and took a look in it and all I could see was blood bubbling in her year. I called the doctor office and they said they would squeeze us in at the end of the day (noon). So we took her in but the doctor said there was so much blood in there that he couldn't see anything. He wanted to give her an antibiotic but because of her C-diff I said I didn't really want to do that and once he found that out he didn't want to either. We are going to try some ear drops until Monday and if it is not better then they will give her an antibiotic. She is extra sleepy but other then that she seems to be fine. The first word out of Collin's mouth when he saw the blood was mom are you going to have to spend the night at the hospital? Poor kid.
DME and Growth Spurt
Kylee has had a huge growth spurt and doesn't fit into most of her equipment anymore. So our DME guy is coming out on Monday to adjust her for her kid kart and her stander and then to check to make sure her AFO's for her ankles still fit correctly also. We are also going to talk about a new car seat for her. I didn't realize how much she has grown until I went to put her in her kid kart and her legs where hanging over the foot rest and then on Mother's day I was carrying her and her foot hit my knee and I was like holly cow she has grown. She is in a 3T for shirts and one piece outfits and a 2T for pants (they are way to big around the waist but fit great for length). I'm sure her growth spurt has a lot to do with the fact that she is getting her full feeds and is no longer throwing any of them up and she is also eating orally alot better. Some days she eats a whole jar of stage 1 baby food which for her is a lot. My goal is to get her to eat enough orally that we can give her sprinkle Depakote so she doesn't have to gag when we give her the liquid (that is one of the side affects of it).
We have given Kylee melatonin the last few nights an hour before bed. It seems to be working well for her but we will have to keep giving it to her and see what happens. We just give her a half of a tablet dissolved in water so that we can give it in her gj tube.
Enjoying Every Day
Kylee has just been so much fun. I can't express that enough. It is like every day she does something new and exciting. She is just so bright eyed and happy. Friday I came upstairs from working and I said where is my baby girl she turned her head looked right at me and smiled. It may seem small but to me that is huge. I couldn't have been happier. I love hearing her in the morning in her bed just laughing away. Everytime I give her a kiss she gives me that toothy smile and laughs. It just seems like I have waited so long to see her do all this that I just can't get enough of it. We have been stretching her on a ball and she can move her arms over head so much easier and she moves her arms out away from her body more. Again small but huge for us. Today her and I went to Walmart in Appleton (one of the few store that have the carts with the baby carriers on them...that is the only way I can take her shopping) after her appointment and it was so nice. It was just the 2 of us and she had these big eyes looking and me and the biggest smile on her face almost the whole time. So many people stopped and said oh she is so cute and one said oh what a adorable princess and I thought see Kylee everyone knows you are a princess. There were two ladies that were whispering and then the one tilted her head towards us and the other one looked....people like that I try to ignore. It is just ignorance. My live has been blessed with a beautiful girl and I am proud to be her mom :)


Gavin Ross said...


you are such a big girl- good job with the eating. Sounds like you are huge (in a good way)! We all hope your ear and your c-diff stuff will improve soon- it sounds stressful for your mom. It's funny to hear how much you like your kisses- Zoe loves her kisses too. She'll kiss anybody! Mommy and Daddy are her favorites though.

Julie and Jason said...

Last summer our Lily had 3 bloody ear episodes. She has tubes in her ears and they finally decided that maybe the tube dislodged/got infected, etc. To this day there is still a scab like thing over the area where the tube is supposed to be. So we don't know if it is there or not. It was very scary the first time I saw all of that blood. Good luck with finding out what is going on! Take care. Julie Friedman - Lily's mom