Monday, January 5, 2009

GI/EEG and Teething

Well the holidays are over....It went so fast. We have a busy week this week. Kylee goes tomorrow for an EEG. She has reached her increased levels on the medication so we have to see if it has helped. I currently have a call in to neurology as she is still having seizures. They are less intense and less frequently but still having them.
Thursday she is having an upper GI to check to make sure there is nothing going on inside that is causing her to throw up (such as her feeding tube blocking something). The throwing up has also decreased since we have started her on the Peptamin Jr but it is still happening.When we took her in last week for labs I had them do a weight check and she is down about a pound. Not sure why but the only thing I can think of is the seizures must be eating up lots of calories. I have heard they do that. We have her 2 year old check up next week so I am sure we will be talking about that along with a long list of other things.
This past week she has been really tired and has been crying (which she never does) so I was concerned about here.She also has stopped eating baby food. Well I see she is getting a tooth so I think that is what is going on. She was so tired today that she fell asleep in the stander during PT. I took pictures so I will have to post them. I have lots of pictures I want to post just have to find the time.
We went to a hotel for New Years Eve and I was so excited because I thought we would be able to take Kylee swimming for the first time however the water was way too cold for her. That seems to be our problem just about everywhere we go. We have heard that there is a hotel in Waupaca (about 20 mins from where we live) that has a heated pool. You can pay to just go there for the day so we want to do that some time soon. I think she would love swimming as she loves her bathes.
We have been having major issues with Kylee's hair. She loves to roll so it gets all tangled in the back and she hates to have her hair combed or have pretties put in. We are thinking about getting her hair cut short (a little pixie cut). I am going to talk to my hair lady when I go in next week and see if she thinks she could handle it. It has to be the right person because they will need to be very patient with her. It is will be sad to cut it because it is so long (to the middle of her back) and has some curls but I think it would make live easier for all of us if we cut it.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh goodness. I hope everything goes okay for you and her! Good luck tomorrow with the EEG and I hope you get answers as to why she has been spitting up. Alayna has most of her two year molars in now, but it's definitely been a bumpy road. I'll be thinking of you. Thank God for Baby Orajel and Tylenol. You know, Alayna gets kind of "urpy" and spits up a lot more when she is teething. Not sure that relates to Kylee, but just a thought. Keep us posted on her appointments. She is an absolute doll. I hope you make it to Indy this July for the conference because I'd love for Alayna to meet her. They remind me of each other, but then again a lot of our kids do resemble one another. Take care!