Sunday, October 11, 2009


Baby Food and Milk
Kylee has been doing really well in the eating department lately. I know we have a long long ways to go but it is a start. She has been eating some stage 1 and stage 2 baby food pretty well. She can eat anywhere from a couple teaspoons to a couple tablespoons. She also started taking some liquids out of a bottle. She isn't taking a lot...about 1.5 ounces but it is a start. Sometimes I just have to let it drip in her mouth and she doesn't have a good suck eat but I will take whatever I can get. She makes the sucking motion with her lips just doesn't have a strong suck. So we will just keep working on it. Practice makes perfect. We have also gotten her down to only having to be on her feeding tube for 18 hours which is so nice. Now it is time to push the luck. The Dr said to shoot for 14-18 hours but that some kids can do 12. He said it just depends on what she can tolerate.
What can I say about is just no fun. I feel like the number 2 diapers never stop. We are just about done with the medicine it is still coming out in full force. I am thinking we are going to have to do another sample and probably another round of medicine. We have decided to purchase some disposable bed chucks to help save on the laundry otherwise we were having to change her sheets 1-2 times a day because when she goes it goes everywhere. We also had to clean our carpet today as she had a major mess earlier in the week and another one today.
Kylee has been doing really good in therapy. She is still able to stand on the side of the sofa with no knee immobilizers for about 10 minutes. She is still doing good at sitting by her self we just have to increase her strength. She gets really tired out with it. Her HOPSA dress (a therapy vest hooked up to a pulley system.....I will have to take a picture of her in it and post it....she looks like she is ready for take off in it) she is doing really well in also. She can only stay in there for about 5 minutes but she is very active it in for 5 minutes. She is putting her legs down and swing herself all over the place in it which no one really thought she would do anything in it so I guess that is a big step. Her swing we haven't been using much as it is not the swing that the therapist wanted so we are in the process of trying to purchase the correct swing. The one we have is for a bigger child and not to comfortable for her.
Kylee has started to do her own therapy...she rolls her way over to the sofa...puts her legs up on the side of it and then lifts her butt off the ground. She does it over and over and over. She loves doing it. It is great to help strengthen her legs but it is soo funny how much she loves to do it.
Our PT Steve is leaving at the end of the month and we are really going to miss him. He works so well with Kylee and she has come so far but at least his time with her would have been almost over with anyway as she will be starting school soon which leads me to my next topic.......
So the whole school process seems to be a very long process and I feel like we have been working on it forever but I am think there should be an end in sight. I have signed all kinds of paperwork and talked to all kinds of people. We still do not have a start date yet but for sure by her 3rd birthday however we were hoping to do a slow transition starting before her 3rd birthday. We have also not decided if she will go in the morning or afternoon. She like to sleep in til 9:00 but then she takes a nap at 2:00 so really neither fits into her schedule but I guess we will have to get her on a new schedule once we find out.
I have to laugh because I am so afraid to take Kylee to the Dr to get her flu shot because of all the germs but yet I am not even thinking twice about sending her to a germ infested school.
This week Kylee has appointments in Milwaukee on Thursday. She is getting a new feeding tube placed in the morning and then ENT follow-up in the afternoon. I think daddy (Jason) will be making the trip all on his own so that I can work. He does a wonderful job with her but it is hard for me to let go and let someone do something that I normally do and not be in on the appointments. I guess I have to let go some day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice update Karen.
I'm always wondering how Kylee
is doing.
Sounds like she is having lots of fun rolling around.