Saturday, August 8, 2009

Children's Radiothon

Children's Radiothon
This week (Wednesday to Friday) is the Chilrdren's Radiothon on 95.9 Kiss Fm/105.7 WAPL and 104.9 (The Breeze). This will be our 3rd year with the Radiothon. When Kylee was 6 months old we recorded our story and they continue to play it. Our story tells about 1P36 (all though I have learned alot about it since then) and how when Kylee was 10 days old we had to do CPR on her and how I don't feel she would be here today if it weren't for Children's. All the stories they play are very touching and you can't help but cry. On Friday I will be answer phones to help raise money for Children's which all goes for a good cause.
On Thursday August 13th is Miracle Treat Day at Dairy Queen. For every Blizzard purchased that day $1.00 or more will go to Children's Miracle Network which goes to your local Children's Hospital.
On Thursday we made another trip to Milwaukee (this was a planned one). Kylee has had a little increase in her seizure activity. She has been doing some head dropping. So they have decided to increase her Depekene medication just a little bit in hopes that will help. We also learned more information about how to use her emergency seizure medication. We are to use it if she has a seizure lasting more then 5 minutes or a cluster of seizures in one hour lasting more then 5 minutes. There probably have been a few times we should have used it as we were unaware that we should use it for a cluster in one hour. They also told us typical protocol is to call 911 after using the medication in hopes of saving us a ER visit. I laughed. Show me a town around where we live that you call 911 and the ambulance doesn't take the patient to the ER. So we have decided that the first time we use it we will call 911 but after we know how she responds to it we will keep her at home and monitor her to decide if 911 needs to be called.
Blood Pressure
We were able to get in contact with our nurse in the special needs clinic in Milwaukee and talked about the blood pressure issue. She asked me if I felt like she could have had a migraine during that time her blood pressure was high. Now that I think back to it I think she could have. She was squinting her eyes and just didn't really want to move much. Once she fell asleep and slept for a few hours she woke up and was completely fine. So a migraine makes sense. She also asked me if she had gone back to the vomiting once a day (between 8-9 pm) and I said she has. In fact she had a huge vomiting episode the night before the high blood pressure episode. She said that there is something also called a stomach migraine (she gave me a more technical term) and that kids who have dysautonomia often have migraines (both head and stomach) and that is sounds like they may be what is going on and that they can give her a medication to help prevent it (which I am also on the same medication for migraines). I asked if there was testing for dysautonomia and she said there is but they see enough children with it that they don't usually test with it. I asked if it was safe to say Kylee has it and she said she thought it was pretty safe to say but that she would check with our special needs Dr. Our nurse with the special needs clinic is a wealth of knowledge and I would be lost without her.
1P36 Conference
Last week was the 3rd annual 1P36 conference in Indiana. Each year it is in a different location and they are already talking about where the next one will be. We have yet to make it to a conference (well we just found out about them a year ago) but am hoping to some day make it there. The other parents have done a great job updating us on what was talked about. On the side I have a list of other blogs. Whitney's family did a great job updating on what they talked about as well as Alayana's blog (which has a ton of pictures of kids with 1P36 that were at the conference). I also learned from Alayana's blog that it is pronounced 1-p-3-6 not 1-p-36 so I will have to work on saying it correctly. Alayan's mom also noted that one Dr said "You are the pioneers of 1p36. You all are making a difference. The data from you will show up someday in medical books." I thought that was pretty neat to hear. It is nice to know that we will be able to hopefully make lives for other families who get this diagnosis a little easier. Kylee has also been part of a study with her cardiologist as we had done some testing on Kylee's heart in the womb and she is the first patient they have that they have been able to follow from before birth. Every time Kylee's information is printed in a medical journal she gives me a copy of it for her memory box. So all pretty exciting.
Kylee has began to roll over again. She went thru a period after her huge weight gain that she wasn't rolling. I picked on her and said she couldn't get the big cabus over. However she has gotten it figured out and is none stop now. She also has been doing a great job with sitting. She still needs just a little support at the low of her back but she can sit alone for about 30 seconds which gives us hope that she will be able to do it. We also got a bench (thanks to Alayana's moms post about the adjustable bench) that she is tall sitting very well on and we also use it to practice tall kneeling and playing with toys. We have also been working on feeding which is getting better. she fights you to get it in but once you get it in she loves it. She gives you a big smile and does a great job working it around in her mouth and swallowing. As I learned from the information I read from the conference 1p36 kids need repetition repetition. So that is what we will do. Our PT said he is very hopeful for Kylee. She shows she has it in her we just have to keep her well enough and strong enough to meet those milestones.
Week Ahead
So the week ahead orthotics on Tuesday. Wednesday we are doing a program with the state and county called every move counts. It is a few hours long and they do different things with Kylee and then we video tape her. Once we are all done we sit down together and watch the video and try to determine if any of her moves she made were "purposeful" and what we can use these purpose movements for. Like she likes to kick her leg up and done we often take that as her way of saying she liked something and wants more. So this should be a long but interesting day. Friday is the radiothon and I will be answering phones. Then next Sunday we will be celebrating Keegan's 1st Birthday. It is hard to believe he is going to be one. Time goes by so fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
Sounds like you have another
very busy week.
You sure know a lot about the medical world.
Happy Birthday to your little guy!
Thank you for taking the time to
update your blog, I'm always
wondering how Kylee is doing.

Sheila Wilson